Razorbill Special Rings

  • Sale
  • Regular price £13.58
Tax included (if applicable). Shipping calculated at checkout.

This is a restricted ringing product. You will need to tell us the Ringer’s Permit Number, the Ring Issue Permit Number and the Ring Issue Name/Group in the checkout before we can send you this item.

** Please use the drop-down menu above to select the quantity of rings that you require**

5 x 10 mm inside diameter Incoloy (hard) metal rings.

A specially shaped ring to prevent turning on the leg. Limited quantities of these rings are available free. Applications for these should be made by the start of January to sales@bto.org.

  • This product will only be sold and shipped to appropriately licensed BTO ringing-permit holders. 

C-permit holders: please ask for the rings to be issued in your Trainer's name or Ringing Group name and not your own. Please ask your Trainer to email sales@bto.org in order to authorise the order.